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A fourth consecutive round table entitled "Vision for youth – let’s look in the same direction", part of the project "Establishing a Youth Center in the city of Plovdiv, was held on 21 March in Youth Center Plovdiv. Official guests of the event were Mr. Georgi Tityukov – deputy mayor “Sports, youth activities and social policy” and Mrs. Elisabet Hauge from the Norwegian institute "Agder Research“. The event was attended by representatives of youth organizations, school councils, students’ councils, community centers, etc. The purpose of the round table was to improve the communication between the youth organizations and the local authorities, to build foundations for quality dialogue between the two parties and to enable the involvement of young people in the decision making processes connected with the planning of youth policies on local level.
Кръгла маса IV
На 21 март в Младежки център Пловдив се проведе четвърта поред кръгла маса по проект "Изграждане на Младежки център в гр. Пловдив" на тема: "Визия за младежта – да гледаме в една посока". Официални гости на събитието бяха г-н Георги Титюков - зам. - кмет СМДСП и г -жа Елизабет Хауг от Норвежки изследователски институт "Агдер Рисърч". На събитието присъстваха представители на младежки организации, педагогически съвети, студентски съвети, читалища и др. Целта на кръглата маса бе подобряване на комуникацията между младежките организации и местната власт, изграждане на основи за качествен диалог между двете страни и даване на възможност за включване на младите хора в процесите на взимане на решения, обвързани с планирането на младежките политики на местно ниво.youthcentre.plovdiv.bg
A fourth consecutive round table entitled "Vision for youth – let’s look in the same direction", part of the project "Establishing a Youth Center in the city of Plovdiv, was held on 21 March in Youth Center Plovdiv. Official guests of the event were Mr. Georgi Tityukov – deputy mayor “Sports, youth activities and social policy” and Mrs. Elisabet Hauge from the Norwegian institute "Agder Research“. The event was attended by representatives of youth organizations, school councils, students’ councils, community centers, etc. The purpose of the round table was to improve the communication between the youth organizations and the local authorities, to build foundations for quality dialogue between the two parties and to enable the involvement of young people in the decision making processes connected with the planning of youth policies on local level.
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